With the satisfaction of launching a successful advertising campaign for this post even before it was written, and considering that a decent number of people are eagerly waiting for it…I finally sit down to complete it :D !!
The next 4 lines are written with the intent of justifying the possible ‘sentimental’ tone of the post.
Last one month has been slightly difficult, both at personal as well at work front. Losing important things at a crucial stage, facing some dirty politics at work and constantly being in a dull mood…the only thing to looked forward to was my birthday, which was aweeeesomeeeee!! :)
At a time like this, when everything is not the way you want it to be…you realize that there are some things which are better than you even thought they would be!
This one’s to all those people…who made me feel needed at some point or the other…who make this otherwise dreary phase of life look bright! Go find yourself in there :)
This one’s for someone who is as old a friend as new, who makes me nostalgic about school every single time I talk to him, to whom I talk to more than anyone else each day, with whom I spend a hell lot of time saying ‘okaaayys’ and ‘hmmmmsss’ and yet every time we keep down the phone, we start the countdown for the next call, who’s the only person I’ve ever really fought with, and still do everyday and yet with every passing day, the bond becomes stronger, who loves to tease me with every chocolate brand he knows and who’s reaction to this post I can guess this very moment, even when I’m writing this! :P
This one’s for someone who has been there with me in everything since the day we’ve met, with whom I can discuss just about anything, with whom I don’t have to care about being sophisticated, with whom I can be the silliest me and yet be comfortable and whose love for good food is enough to charm people around him!
This one’s for someone who is far away and yet the first person I feel like informing about any new developments in my life, with whom I can be a child getting scolded as well as the care-taker, scolding her, who is so easy to talk to that she is one of the very few people I can open up to without the risk of being judged! This one’s for my munchkin….whom I miss a lot!
This one’s for the crazy guy who I never expected would be happy being friends with me, who is almost diametrically opposite to me in temperament, with whom I don’t feel the need to keep in ‘constant touch’ to maintain the friendship or the ease, who’s compliments for my voice always leave me flattered and whose one of my best buddies!
This one’s for the sweetest guy on the planet, who is there to give you that Jadoo ki Jhappi whenever you need it the most, who is too good for this age and this world and my baniya friend!! :P
This one’s for this buddy who claims I’m the first girl he ever talked to that openly, who doesn’t hesitate in calling me in the middle of the night when he is in another world (:P) and one of those people for whom I really really wish all the happiness in the world!
This ones for the silly girl who’s been my friend since I can remember, who is always full of life, with whom I exchange pleasantries in the form of reprimands, with whom I know I am friends for life :)
This one’s for the smart guy who is sitting there making a lot money, to whom I go when I have to vent my anger, who never tells me what should be done, lets me do what I want to, who fondly calls me a family member, and makes me believe it!
This one’s for my oldest friend, who remembered me when I was sure she had forgotten me, with whom I used to eat mud when I was 4 years old and whose thought is enough to bring a smile to my face :)
This one’s to all these people who are important to me, with whom I can crib about not having a life, with whom I can celebrate my good moments!
This one’s for my crazy colleagues who make going to office fun!
And last but not the least, this one’s for those beautiful people I have never seen or met, yet there’s a connection because this blog connects me to them!
This one’s for all these people I love immensely and cannot think I would be able to do without!
Thank you to all of you!!